Fishing the mighty St. Lawrence River is a must when planning your next vacation, fishing trip, or when you are searching for some real fishing thrills and excitement. A fishing charter with an Alexandria Bay Guides Association member will insure that you are getting a professional, U.S. Coast Guard licensed guide with years of experience guiding and hosting anglers from all corners of the world fishing for Northern Pike, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye or Muskellunge.

Our association provides fun-filled personalized fishing trips, for the individual, novice or experienced fisherman. Groups, families and junior anglers are all welcome. The guides are professionals who know from experience where to go at different times, and what the best methods are. They fish the same area day-in and day-out, so they know what works best under all conditions. They can help you improve your fishing skills and knowledge of the river. The 1000 islands can be an overwhelming sight of islands, shoals and under water rock piles with depths with no apparent pattern that can be puzzling to the average angler. A guide can provide a wealth of information in a days outing.
The season starts the first Saturday in May, beginning with Northern Pike, and Walleye, followed by Smallmouth Bass and Muskellunge opening the 3rd Saturday of June. Note: This differs in Canadian waters, Bass season does not open until the 4th Saturday in June in their waters. Also note that Muskie fishing is the best in the fall, October, November, and into December. The method generally used is to troll with downriggers. For many fishermen the hours spent in search of the elusive Muskie has little or no appeal. You must invest a lot of time and have plenty of patience. It’s called Muskie Madness. However, the reward can be great. Many catches in the 50 + inch range have been taken in the last couple of seasons.